
Intervention orders for all!

Intervention orders- also called Family Violence Orders or Apprehended Violence Orders, are a well known joke.   Developed originally for genuine cases of family violence, they are now given out like water, automatically to whoever applies.

Consequently, people in business disputes now get them as a matter of course, as do feuding neighbors. Don’t get me started about how local councilors take them out on each other based on trivial disputes. And of course they are a prime weapon by fraudsters seeking protection from people making allegations against them; your first defence is to apply for an Intervention order to shut people up.  They are a major force against free speech.

They are also a standard tactic in virtually all Family Law litigation, as a way to increase the amount of settlement money awarded.

Laughably, the feminists who pushed for them (and to make them virtually automatic), are now up in arms that abusive husbands and partners can now automatically obtain them against their female partners. This is what happens when you make the order as a matter of course (regardless of evidence).

There is now a huge infrastructure of people involved in this pointless ritual- the police who hand them out automatically, the court clerks who list the pointless cases- everyone of which results in an order- the magistrates who then make them- the limitless staff involved in the circus. Our court system is useless at getting virtually anything else done or moving- except when it comes to intervention orders.

Which is where we could make a real efficiency here. Simply grant every Australian an intervention order at birth against every other Australian. This would make no difference to the law, because the things that are prevented by intervention orders- not approaching, harassing etc, are things already covered by our ridiculous over-governed (for the little people) state anyway.

The savings in salaries and time would be enormous, and all for the same result!


Public servant payrise

The Andrews government has caved in to the public sector unions and granted state ‘workers’ a 3% payrise.  Great.  One of the most bloated, useless lazy body of public servants, in a state which is basically bankrupt, now going up in pay while the real workers, in the private sector, lose their jobs and go broke.

The Victorian public service is bloated beyond belief with overpaid ‘commissioners’, ’senior executives’ etc all pumping out a vast array of worthless regulations which basically make it impossible for anyone to earn a living in the private sector.  

This is also in a state where there is absolute enforcement of the most pettifogging rules, while the real crooks at the top get away with it. Drive 3km above the speed limit and be fined $300 with drastic enforcement. File a pointless, unread, document two days late and be hit with a $1,000 surcharge.  But, steal 14m from the government while working as a bureaucrat and nothing will happen except a smile and a wave and a golden handshake.  Ordinary taxpayers can see the double standards and they are incensed.

There are incredible stories of waste. The public servant who posted on reddit that his only job for three days was to send one, three line, email. The senior housing ‘bureaucrat’ who enthused about how much money she got from the federal Rudd govt in 2009 but then admitted it was all spent on writing reports, they built nothing and she hadn’t visited a public housing site in all her years in the job.

The other irony is that the public sector in Victoria is a total and utter closed shop. Virtually all jobs in it are reserved for mates and relatives of those already working there, and the ‘interviews’ they conduct for jobs are just for show before they give it to the internal candidate, every time.  So we’re being forced to pay for an exclusive little club that we ourselves can’t join.


Skill Shortages: the con that never dies

Is anyone else sick of hearing this for the past 35 years?:

Retraining. Our economy is full of skill shortages. The baby boomers are due to retire (any day now!) and we’ll need an army of people to replace them.  In the interim we need some visa workers to fill the gaps while we retrain.

They’re even doing it now, with the covid crisis and skyrocketing unemployment.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the labor market in the past 35 years, is that there are no labor shortages.  There haven’t even looked like being any labor shortages since the second world war.  And yet, over and over again, the same old myth gets trotted out. Why?

I think for three reasons:

Its usually a scam to push more visas and immigration.  Wages (very slowly) do occasionally rise, and employers really really hate wage rises. Thus they kick up a stink about fictitious skill shortages; and lazy, gullible journalists (ie all of them) write about it, then governments panic shove through an increase in visas to ‘fix’ the ‘skill shortage’ problem.  The employers get addicted to the cheap labor, gear up to whine next time, and on and on the story goes.

The second are our old frauds, the universities. Long past being real places of learning, they have become a combination of pre-dole young adult minding services, combined with dodgy overseas visa selling citizenship factories. They love hyping the limitless potential of you, provided there’s an upfront payment for them (and, cough, a large unpaid student loan), involved. And don’t listen to the nonsense they peddle about how they ‘have’ to enrol overseas students ‘to make up for state funding cuts’. Firstly, the quote openly outs them as being totally in it for the money (which they are), secondly, its nonsense; there have been no great cuts to speak of.

But the last, and most curious, reason, are people themselves.  Since 1973, our economies haven’t really worked, and we’ve had a larger and larger pool of unemployed. Some recoveries reduce this pool, but every recession pushes it higher. There is no question that my standard of living is much lower now than it was in the 1980s; as likely yours has been. This is before we get to the almost complete ongoing destruction of the natural environment. And yet nobody can really accept this, they think its just temporary, that they can ‘skill up’ and finally get what they think is their full, fair value.

So the ‘reskilling’ scam goes on, benefitting employers, greedy universities, and their deluded customers: us.


How to write a Fairfax/ABC op-ed about Aboriginal issues.

(Note these policies apply uniformly to both Fairfax and the ABC).

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the big time, with the opportunity to have your very own by-lined opinion piece in the ABC or Fairfax website or newspapers concerning indigenous issues.  However, there are strict rules and protocols in place that must be respected at all times. If you want to be a trusted Fairfax/ABC insider, you must follow them:

Start with an emotive frame

Always hammer home rich uncaring whites with the reality of aboriginal deprivation. Something like this “It is only 1000km as the crow flies from the lattes at Pyrmont’s Café Ready to the outback humpy of Dungerin, but the differences couldn’t be more stark.  As the local women wipe flies from their outback cakes, they seem so far away from the quinoa biscuits that you can get at Paddy’s market on Sundays, across from ABC headquarters at Ultimo.”

While you are doing this, remember to omit any confounding factors. Do not mention that the aboriginal women have been to Sydney, and don’t like it; and in fact don’t agree with whites that inner city living is the ultimate aspiration. That they are in fact about to meet a busload of whites who want to learn about local culture (and the “outback cakes” have been made up to please them). Do not mention anything practical, just frame the disadvantage in the worst possible way.

Remember, at all times, that your readers don’t really want the problems fixed. They like reading horror stories about disadvantage, so they can feel disgust at the racism of others, with a warm pleasant glow of moral superiority, all at the same time.  This is why SBS made up fake racist ‘official’ certificates a few years ago to titillate (and secretly please-through-disgust) its virtue signalling audience.  Get into it/exploit it! Dredge up the worst issues of the past (don’t mention many whites were mistreated then too) and imply they are still occurring today.  Project a evil white landowner, noble black scenario! The readers will lap it up!  They also really like exoticism, so set up pictures of things they don’t actually do anymore, like wear traditional costumes or eat native food.

On this topic, never, ever, point out the contradiction of people living in hyper-remote traditional lands, yet demanding working modern infrastructure like airconditioning, despite the exponential cost of delivering it in these locations. Or the awkward fact that most indigenous Australians live in the big cities (these stories don’t have good enough visuals to make the weekend supplements, unfortunately).

Accept the demands of aboriginal bureaucrats unconditionally.  Whenever they demand more self determination, don’t mention ATSIC or its endemic corruption problems.  Never point out there may be financial motives to various apologies demanded, then given, then a further demand for constitutional recognition, along with assorted commissioners, board positions and funding. Also never point out the 1967 referendum actually involved the expansion of a racist power. 

And never mention, of course, that the endless cycle of demanded apologies, more funding etc etc has no practical end to it, nor will it ever have.  The concessions never lead to any sort of thank you or end point, they are soon forgotten waymarkers on the race to expand the complaint industry and aboriginal bureaucracy.

If you must focus on practical solutions, make sure to focus on simplistic feelgood ideas that chime with your readers obsessions.  Talk about how aboriginals are being trained to fix bicycles in the desert (despite the fact this a completely impractical and largely useless scheme that involves flying mechanics and parts in an out for no real sustainable benefit), as many of your readers ride their bikes in the inner city and see them as a panacea to most modern industrial problems.  Definitely don’t talk about how aboriginals truly value their four wheel drives, (you’ll annoy all your readers then).

It is also completely and utterly racist to point out that many people who benefit from aboriginal positions or graduate positions are, (awkwardly), white. Apparently when money or positions are given out on the basis of race, there must be no discussion of race. This is an entirely consistent and logical position and must not be questioned.

Anyway, congratulations! You are well on the way to writing an affecting, guilt-inducing-but-also-pleasing-at-the-same-time piece for your readers.  Maybe you are ready now for your next challenge- writing about the romantic frustrations of young wealthy attractive women (and how its all men’s fault (for not being in the top 20% of attractiveness!)).   A career of ABC/Fairfax smugness awaits you!


Hartcher demands immigrants!

You really have to hand it to the press gallery.  They are completely, totally and utterly obsessed with increasing immigration.  They will pay any price, bear any burden, to suit their proprietors and advertisers interests by endless promoting it on the slightest of pretexts.

Step forward Peter Hartcher at this link in the Fairfax online newspapers.  China’s crackdown on Hong Kong means…you guessed it; we need to have unlimited immigration from there!

Of course, there’s the usually logically inept handwaving about how they’re all skilled (nope, and there’s no skill shortages anyway; and haven’t been any for decades), we need the human capital to fill the jobs (there were never any jobs before Covid, and there’s absolutely none after) etc etc. 

The real reason is, of course, never stated: ‘We run a population ponzi which has collapsed so we desperately need more people to prop it up’.  But then, that’s not as catchy as the rubbish and increasingly threadbare and obvious crap peddled by the population pushers.


What the elites really want by ‘pre vetting’ Facebook

The latest elite cause now is ‘pre flagging’ ‘hate speech’ on Facebook and Twitter.  What this really means in English, is pre censoring the few remaining outlets that allow people to publish their own thoughts directly (as chatboards like Whirlpool and others are now completely dead due to ridiculous overmoderation). 

They don’t like free speech, and therefore demand to pre-flag anything that they dislike as ‘hate speech’.   Men who are unattractive who approach women are incels.  All electoral candidates have to be female, otherwise  its sexist. It’s great we spend 33bn a year on Aboriginal welfare, and every time the (largely white) Aboriginal complaint industry starts screaming, we must give them what they way (hint- this means more money). And, of course, none of this money will be stolen.

The elites don’t like Trump, he must be defeated, but more importantly, denied a voice.  I mean, he’s made a few weak moves against immigration (that’s automatically racist), and everyone knows that during the Covid jobs crisis we must have more foreign visa workers, right?

The elites basically don’t like you, don’t need you, they are too busy with their government funded jobs, their groupthink media careers, and cheering on higher and higher immigration to employ their nannies, maids and butlers (and coincidentally support their proprietors and advertisers interests).  You have no right to free speech, you are a racist, sexist swine who should just stop now. And, by god, you have no right to saying anything on the net without it being ‘pre cleared’ first.   

Your speech is automatically ‘hate speech’. So just shut up.